Mosquito Madness

Mosquito Madness

Hot and humid weather is a breeding ground fit for a Mosquito King. We know how irritating it is to be harassed by Mosquitos while just trying to enjoy your time outside. Not only is it irritating but it is also dangerous. Mosquitos carry so many viruses and diseases....

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Why We Need Pest Control

Why We Need Pest Control

WHY WE NEED PEST CONTROLAre Pest Control services necessary? This question is far more common than you would think. So many people try to get by without pest control and they suffer more for it. Pest control is truly important for our health and safety. Did you know...

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Mama Bugs

Mama Bugs

MAMA BUGSIn honor of Mothers Day, we want to share some of the Great Mothers of the Bug world. Even if you feel a shiver in your spine, it’s always good to know that the Mama instinct runs strong, even in some insects. Here are a couple of very fun facts that you...

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Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and Ticks

FLEAS & TICKSSpring carries a plethora of pests.  In order to prepare you, we are just taking the time to discuss some of our main spring time pests, what to expect, and ways that you can prevent their annoyance and in some cases, destructive ways. We know the...

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Swarming Season

Swarming Season

SWARMING SEASON IS HERE!Spring is upon us and that means that we are coming into swarming season! Let’s get into the details so that you know what to look for and what to expect. Swarming is a fairly quick affair, lasting about 30-40 minutes. The termites will collect...

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Spring Time Pest Activity

Spring Time Pest Activity

As the season changes, like it does every year, we are excited to enjoy many of our favorite activities and enjoy time spent with family and friends! We are planning parties, cookouts, family gatherings, and more. With the warmth comes more activity for our pesky...

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Termite Letter Vs. Termite Bond

Termite Letter Vs. Termite Bond

TERMITE LETTER VS. TERMITE BONDSpring brings beauty and it also brings swarming season for those pesky termites. You know, those very little guys that can completely threaten your property and structures? We know how devastating it can be to wind up with an...

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Flying Ants Inside

Flying Ants Inside

FLYING ANTS INSIDE?Finding flying ants inside of your home is a problem, but finding them inside during the winter is even more of a problem. Why? Because ants only fly or have wings when they are getting ready to breed. If you are noticing flying ants inside of your...

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Signs of Mice

Signs of Mice

SIGNS OF MICE In the winter time we like to place focus on the larger pests that make their way into your home to avoid the elements and take advantage of the warmth. Those same pests may also cause major damages to your home and even make themselves a place to feast...

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Signs of Squirrels

Signs of Squirrels

SIGNS OF SQUIRRELSAs the leaves change and fall to the ground and we welcome the colder winter months, we sometimes unintentionally welcome in some wildlife. Have you ever cuddled up into your warm and cozy bed, ready to fall asleep, and as you doze you hear the...

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